Did you know that Pinterest is the fourth largest driver of traffic on the internet?
Did you know that Pinterest grew over 1000% last year?
Did you know that 70% of Pinterest users are looking for inspiration as to what to buy (vs 17% on Facebook)?
Is your business making the most of these amazing statistics? Are you using Pinterest to the best advantage for you?
So what is Pinterest? Remember having Pin Boards or Dream Boards? You find something in a magazine that you just love and want to remember for later, so you cut it out and pin it to your board. Pinterest allows you to do that virtually – find a picture or idea online that you like, and Pin it to one of the Boards you created. Then others can see what you Pinned, and they like the idea, so they Pin it too, and so it goes on making Pins viral. Imagine how many people will see your Pins of your products and services, if you Pin interesting things. About 80% of Pins are Repinned, so you have a good chance of getting your products and ideas out to millions of people.
Some basic steps for you to take are:
- Add a
button to your website, to your products, to your blog posts, to your pictures. This allows people to easily pin from your website, which will start the viral process off.
- Create a Pinterest Business Account for your company. This allows you to access analytics on your pins and how many other people have seen them.
Then you need to start creating content to Pin, some ideas are:
- Infographics:give information on your market, help your customers
- Checklist: people love checklists, being able to read through and mentally, or physically, check items off
- Tutorials: show people how to use your products, what to do with them
- Add text to your pictures that you pin: tell people what your link is about
- Pin videos: everyone loves to watch videos
If you need more help with Pinterest and Pins, or would like some ideas, contact us for a consultation.